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When is it a Good Time for Interior Renderings for an Unbuilt Project

There are varying reasons for making a decision to do interior renderings. Creating marketing material in advance of construction or completion of construction are the most common occasions we see to create interior renderings.

In this case, a project took a very long time getting through the approval processes of the City. By the time the approvals were realized, there was a need to pre-market the project with the hope or possibility of selling the project during or even before building had begun, with an approved set of plans. This can be attractive to a potential homebuyer, because they can now avoid the “red tape” that would be involved in buying a lot, getting an architect, doing the soils reports, developing a home design, I think you get where I am headed with this.

With the market being where it is and school being out or soon to be, potential homebuyers are more apt to be “on the move”. With some interior renderings focused on the main “attraction points” like the family room, kitchen, master bedroom and bathroom, this can be a good way to help that potential buyer envision what it might be like to live in this new home. Additional renderings illustrating the back yard and the courtyard in this case were also deemed to be a good idea, along with a rendered floor plan.

You will notice that there are a couple of views going on outside the windows of the family room and the kitchen. These were options created to either obscure the view to the outside as it remains undeveloped, or “pop in” some landscaping and create a view that hopefully also helps that potential homebuyer imagine what living in this home would be like. This offered a “talking point” with the client, and gave them an opportunity to make an informed decision on how they would like their materials to be.

There are many possibilities for marketing that project. Reach out and let us know if we can help!

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